
diy, Release Seven

The software suite diy provides tools to design and test weak memory models. It handles ARMv8 (AArch64), ARMv7 (ARM), Power (PPC) and X86 assembly models, plus a generic (LISA) assembly language, and a subset of~C (C11 and Linux kernel style).

diy is on github, documentation very last version.


May 2024, Release 7.57, Bug fixes, stable ARMv8 model.

October 2023, new herd7 web interface available, by ARM Ltd.

February 2023, Release 7.56.3, Bug fixes, ARMv8 model updates.

May 2022, Releases 7.56.1 and 7.56.2, Bug fix, extension of klitmus to X86 64 assembly, stable ARMv8 model.

July 2020, 3rd, release 7.56, Bug fix and maintenance, experimental variants.

February 2020, 5th, release 7.55, all tools now target the X86~64bits architecture, with a new, mixed-size TSO model. Additionally the build process of herdtools7 now relies on menhir.

July 2019, 13rd, yet a new release (7.54) of herdtools7, with the new dune-based build, support for mixed-size (all tools, AArch64 and PPC) and self-modifying code (litmus7 and generators, AArch64 only).

November 2015, the 29th: Public release of the new, opam-based, version of our tools.

September 2015 the 23th: Release of diy 7.00 or diy “seven”. A long awaited release, featuring the first official release of herd7 our generic simulator, an abstract “LISA” input language in addition to supported native architectures, and a new (CeCiLL-B) License.

Old news

