LISA WWC+fencembonceonce+poonceonce+Release "RfeReleaseOnce FenceMbdRWOnceOnce RfeOnceOnce PodRWOnceOnce WseOnceRelease" Cycle=RfeOnceOnce PodRWOnceOnce WseOnceRelease RfeReleaseOnce FenceMbdRWOnceOnce Relax=WseOnceRelease RfeReleaseOnce Safe=RfeOnceOnce PodRWOnceOnce FenceMbdRWOnceOnce Prefetch=1:x=F,1:y=W,2:y=F,2:x=W Com=Rf Rf Ws Orig=RfeReleaseOnce FenceMbdRWOnceOnce RfeOnceOnce PodRWOnceOnce WseOnceRelease { } P0 | P1 | P2 ; w[release] x 2 | r[once] r0 x | r[once] r0 y ; | f[mb] | w[once] x 1 ; | w[once] y 1 | ; Observed x=2; 2:r0=1; 1:r0=2; and x=2; 2:r0=1; 1:r0=1; and x=1; 2:r0=1; 1:r0=1;