Test C-SB+l-o-o-u+l-o-o-u+l-o-o-u+l-o-o-u-CE

C C-SB+l-o-o-u+l-o-o-u+l-o-o-u+l-o-o-u-CE


P0(int *sl, int *x0, int *x1)
 int r2;
 int r1;

 r2 = cmpxchg_acquire(sl, 0, 1);
 WRITE_ONCE(*x0, 1);
 r1 = READ_ONCE(*x1);
 smp_store_release(sl, 0);

P1(int *sl, int *x1, int *x2)
 int r2;
 int r1;

 r2 = cmpxchg_acquire(sl, 0, 1);
 WRITE_ONCE(*x1, 1);
 r1 = READ_ONCE(*x2);
 smp_store_release(sl, 0);

P2(int *sl, int *x2, int *x3)
 int r2;
 int r1;

 r2 = cmpxchg_acquire(sl, 0, 1);
 WRITE_ONCE(*x2, 1);
 r1 = READ_ONCE(*x3);
 smp_store_release(sl, 0);

P3(int *sl, int *x3, int *x0)
 int r2;
 int r1;

 r2 = cmpxchg_acquire(sl, 0, 1);
 WRITE_ONCE(*x3, 1);
 r1 = READ_ONCE(*x0);
 smp_store_release(sl, 0);

    3:r2=0; 3:r1=1; 2:r2=1; 2:r1=1; 1:r2=0; 1:r1=1; 0:r2=1; 0:r1=1;
and 3:r2=0; 3:r1=1; 2:r2=1; 2:r1=1; 1:r2=0; 1:r1=1; 0:r2=0; 0:r1=1;
and 3:r2=0; 3:r1=0; 2:r2=1; 2:r1=0; 1:r2=0; 1:r1=0; 0:r2=0; 0:r1=0;