RISCV LR-SC-NOT-FENCE (* Original test by Sizhuo Zhang: LR/SC with aq.rl qualifier does not suffice to implement x86 locked instructions (which have implied fences). *) { 0:x6=a; 0:x8=b; 0:x10=c; 1:x6=b; 1:x8=a; 1:x10=d; } P0 | P1 ; ori x5,x0,1 | ori x5,x0,1 ; sw x5,0(x6) | sw x5,0(x6) ; lr.w.aq.rl x12,0(x10) | lr.w.aq.rl x12,0(x10) ; sc.w.aq.rl x11,x5,0(x10) | sc.w.aq.rl x11,x5,0(x10) ; lw x7,0(x8) | lw x7,0(x8) ; exists (c=1 /\ d=1 /\ 0:x7=0 /\ 1:x7=0)