Test ISA11+BIS

Variant on ISA11 that uses a load-reserve store conditional pair in place of an amo instructions. Allow.


(* ISA11 without amo's *)
  uint64_t x;
  uint64_t y;
  0:s0=x; 0:s1=y;
  1:s0=x; 1:s1=y;

 P0                     |  P1                     ;
 li t1,2                | li t3,2                 ;
 li t2,1                | li t4,1                 ;
 sd t1,0(s0)            | sd t3,0(s1)             ;
 lr.d.aq a0,0(s0)       | amoswap.d.rl x0,t4,(s0) ;
 or t3,t2,a0            |                         ;
 sc.d t4,t3,0(s0)       |                         ;
 sd t2,0(s1)            |                         ;

filter 0:t4=0
exists 0:a0=2 /\ x=3 /\ y=2